Shadow Protect Rocks!

Disaster recovery is more than simply backing up your businesses data to a tape or hard disk drive. It’s about having a contingency solution in place in the event of a complete system failure.

We’ve spent the day in the lab putting Storage Craft’s Shadow Protect through its paces!
We love it’s simplicity and speed to recover a server to bare metal.  Looking forward to helping more clients ‘sleep easy’ knowing their servers and data are well looked after with this fantastic software.

Disaster Recovery Planning

Disaster recovery is more than simply backing up your businesses data to a tape or hard disk drive. It’s about having a contingency solution in place in the event of a complete system failure.


If your data is important to your business and you cannot afford to have your operations halted for days – even weeks – due to data loss or corruption, then contact IP Works (02) 8199 7650 for discuss how we can help.